Saturday, October 13, 2007

The Lawnmower Won't Start!!

Of course, in our rush to get everything done before we leave for our honeymoon, one of our trusty household appliances goes kaput! But, Todd saved the day with his handyness, and got the lawnmower started again! He was very proud of this accomplishment, so we had to take a photo.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Vancouver Baby!

Yeah we're getting out of dodge, and couldn't be more excited to take our honeymoon trip! Away from the heat and onto some cool fun and relaxation. We'll be sure to take plenty of photos of course, and share those when we get back.

Photo - Copyright Lawrence Hearn

Sunday, October 7, 2007

They Should Be In a Gap Ad...

Thanks to our friends Amy and Mark for lending us their lovely kids. We had a great time with these two.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Max a standard poodle with a lot of personality! My Mom's friend was nice enough to put us up for my brother's wedding, since my parent's house was full of relatives. We managed to snap a few images of this friendly guy.

Monday, October 1, 2007

My Brother's Wedding

Todd was the unoffical family photographer this weekend, and documented everything from Guy's Golf Day to Reception in the evening. Congrats to my brother and his new wife. Welcome to the family Jeannette!